Why We Pay Writers for Guest Posts?

Need to write a guest post to make a living out of it?

Worry no more! You’ve reached the perfect website for writing as a guest blogger by learning how to put your thoughts out regarding the business and specialty of writing for us.

We accept that if a blog brings in cash for its owner, guest writers ought to be compensated. So come and write for us to achieve success in terms of writing.

Pitch out your guest post thoughts regarding… 

What Points Would We Say We Are Hoping To Appoint? In Light Of Reader Demands, We’re Searching For Posts About: 

Writing For a Blog: How to get better and increase traffic, assemble your list, guest post, conversion, utilizing blogging to get independent clients (ought to be upheld with information, screen captures, social evidence). 

Break-in: How/where to discover great amateur business sectors that pay. 

Copywriting: Tips and techniques for writing title texts, email campaigns, lead magnets, case investigations, white papers, and sales duplicates that convert.

Editorial Manager’s Q&As: What do editors truly need? Converse with a few in a niche and tell us about it. 

Ghostwriting: How would you discover ghostwriting clients? How much should you charge? Are there any ghostwriting platforms that interface writers with clients? What’s it like to be a ghostwriter? 

Shuffling: First-individual stories on adjusting to full-time or part-time day work, kids, family, and so on with freelance ghostwriting.

Taking the Jump: How to make the change to full-time freelancing. 

Market Reports: What it resembles to write for specific online sites and arising platforms, interviews with the organization, and effective writers for the platform.

Advertising: Lead generation strategies to discover freelance writing possibilities and clients, how-to market tips for guest writers, approaches to be reliable with promoting, how to track down the right possibilities to pitch. 

Go Up and Earn More: First-individual stories of how you tracked down your first great paying client, raised your rates, up-sold a major task to the client, or broke into a new, better-paying kind of writing; where to discover better clients and how to get them to employ you. 

Overcome Your Fear: New inclinations, methods, and first-individual stories on the best way to do freelance marketing or put your writing out there notwithstanding fears, how to build trust.

Productivity: Fresh strategies, tips, tools, or bits of knowledge on using time productively, defeating procrastination, committing, keeping away from interruptions, and remaining motivated.

Assets/Tools/Best Sites: Seeking longer, 50-100 item resource posts for independent writers.

Independently Publishing Success Stories: Would very much want to hear from writers doing admirable marketing and selling their digital e-books. 

Social Media Marketing-based Success Stories: On well-established or arising platforms, from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

Writing Craft: Concrete methodologies and activities for working on your writing, defeating droughts, beating a writer’s block, sorting out what to write on, creating headlines.

Can You Pitch Now?

Yes of course you can with all that in hand, you can surely write for us.

Come and write for us and become a successful young guest blog writer for TechCompetitor, You can contact at Email:  TechCompetitor@Gmail.com

10 Steps To Guest Posting In Order To Make A Living By Writing

1. Become a supporter of this blog and read it for some time. Essentially the entirety of our effective guest posts come from constant readers.

2. Read and follow these rules. Truly, you would not accept the number of writers that pitch TechCompetitor, who have not even gone through this site.

3. Present your best feature idea AND layout for your proposed guest post, in the body of your email. Whenever intrigued, we’ll most likely request a few changes prior to giving you a task. 

4. Getting a task isn’t an assurance of publication. So make sure to compose the best of it.

5. We pay on publication, at month-end. We regularly have a backlog of guest posts and just utilize 4-5 every month, so it might require 8-10 weeks for your post to show up. We pay by means of Paypal toward the month’s end your post shows up (on Mass Pay, so no expenses get taken out!), so ensure we have your right Paypal email. 

6. We purchase selective first-time and reprint publication rights. We claim all authority to reprint your post on different sites, and in future books or digital books we make. 

7. Try not to SUBMIT PRE-WRITTEN POSTS without getting a task first. They are not going to be published or even read.

8. We favor 750 to 1,000-word guest posts (except if we’re appointing you a particular thought from the list above at a more drawn-out length we concur upon). 

9. In the event that your guest post has new, valuable data for independent writers, we might in any case be keen on publishing it, yet don’t pay in this situation. 

10. On the day your post goes up, if it’s not too much trouble, leave a remark here. Part of what we pay for is your assistance driving commitment and social sharing of the post. Payment may not be impending in case you are MIA the day your post goes up, so make certain to inform us as to whether you’re not accessible so we can reschedule your post.

So what are you all passionate writers waiting for? Come and write for us to earn money.


Due to the volume of pitches we currently get, we can’t react to every one of them that isn’t made for this blog. If you don’t hear back from us, you need to re-read this page and work harder on your proposal. For example, a large portion of the pitches we get are with grammar mistakes or are on a subject that we don’t cover. Don’t be that writer. To write for us, you need to be keen and to the point.

To Write for TechCompetitor,

Editorial Inquiries.

Email:  TechCompetitor@Gmail.com

Be creative and write in a way that you are acceptable to write for us.

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